What's in my head?

The random ideas, questions, and thoughts that enter this feeble brain.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

A terrible, terrible insult

I was watching Star Trek TNG today, in particular the episode "Tapestry", in which a "dead" Jean-Luc Picard is given a chance to go to his youth and correct one of his biggest regrets. Back in the Academy, Mr. Picard got into a fight with some rather large guys, and was impaled by one of them over an enormous knife.

Sounds like something you would want to undo?

It turns out that he takes his opportunity to correct this mistake. When he is returned to life, he is no longer Captain, but a lowly crewman. It turns out that his brush with death was one of his definining moments in life, that affected how he made decisions, and how he focused his life.

The whole thing was summarized by Q, the person who gave him his chance to go back in time. What he said affected me very deeply:

... he never
realized how fragile life is...
how important each moment can
be... so his life never came into
focus. He drifted through much of
his career, with no plan or
agenda... going from one
assignment to the next, never
seizing the opportunities that
presented themselves...
He learned to play it safe. And
he never, ever got noticed by

I heard that and got the chills. This is possibly the worst insult someone could give me about how I approach life. Having it written in this way gives me a new perspective on my carreer and life goals. If you know me, and see that I am perhaps acting in this way, it would be much appreciated if you would help me out!


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